Does your sweet tooth control you?

Sugar, sugar, sugar! 

We all know it…and most of us love it. Not because we have no will power. But because we as humans are programmed to love, seek, hoard, and CRAVE sugar. 

Despite my years of holistic work, I sometimes have powerful sugar cravings. And when I do, I reach for these 3 treats to satisfy the “sugar beast” but still keep me on my best, healthy path. 


1. One cup of blueberries

Fresh or frozen. Munch on them as a snack between meals. Not with or after a meal (that’s bad food combining!)

2. Spindrift soda

My fave this summer has been grapefruit!

3. Dark Chocolate!

OK, if you know me, you know this is my THING. I love chocolate and eat it every day. But, only a serving size or less, and always organic and 70-80% cocoa content. Anything under 70% isn’t true dark chocolate, and you are missing out on all the beneficial antioxidants and minerals. Not to mention, it is far too sugary and contains milk solids that gunk up your sinuses! My current favorite is Equal Exchange Panama Extra Dark.

Do you crave the sweet stuff too? If so, which of these options are you most excited to try?

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

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