EP 23: 4 Tips to Recover Quickly from Holiday Overindulgence


Did you enjoy a little too much food and drink last night - and now you've got the gut troubles to prove it? Heavy stomach, nausea, sluggish bowels, heartburn?

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No worries! In this episode I'll teach you 4 simple tips to feel better and get your metabolism and energy back on-track quickly.

This topic is super-relevant to our time in the calendar year: Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, holiday gatherings of all kinds. Evenings, filled with more wine, desserts, rich foods, dairy (extra cheese and butter, anyone?), meats, more inflammatory cooking oils, and even fried foods.

These tips are also helpful for anytime you may have unintentionally (or intentionally) eaten more than usual, and been left feeling heavy, sluggish, nauseas – directly afterwards, or even the next day.

I even used these tips last week, after eating out at a restaurant renowned for its fried chicken (whaat?). Needless to say, I felt terrible the following day. But, I had these tips up my sleeve, so I recovered quickly!

You can get back on track quickly by doing a few simple smart things!

Listen and try them this holiday season - or anytime you need to boost your metabolism, energy, and reboot your gut health.

Getting back on track quickly is helpful because you and your body deserve it. It is also especially important if you have:

Digestive issues - like IBS, GERD, constipation, food sensitivities, etc.

Hormonal issues like PCOS, PMDD, perimenopause, or fertility issues, or if you are

Overweight and/ or trying to lose weight – the holidays can be a big trigger time and a slippery slope.

But don't worry, I've got you covered with these simple tips. Here, you are seen, heard, and loved!

Want to dive deeper, together?

Come visit me www.sarahteeple.com to learn more about working with me.

Or click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

Sarah Teeple

Teeple Holistic

The best of modern nutrition science and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to heal your gut, balance your hormones, calm your anxiety, so can live light, free, happy, and healthy. 


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