10 Years in a Rock Band Taught Me This…

Did you know that I was the lead singer of a rock and roll band for 10 years? Yes, it’s true! The Ladybirds was my rowdy punk rock band, and we did lots of amazing things together for almost a decade.

The Ladybirds in 2012. Check out our music video, “Shimmy Shimmy Dang” HERE!


Being the frontwoman for a rock band was amazing! I am so proud to have been able to fulfill that dream. But after almost a decade, I began to feel like something was not quite right…that little voice inside was saying I needed a change. A big one…

At our height of rock and roll wildness, my life looked a lot like this: 

  • Touring in an old, beat-up van with 4 (sometimes) smelly dudes

  • Surviving on gas station coffee and PB&Js

  • Drinking whiskey and partying until dawn

  • Skipping meals and chain-smoking cigarettes

  • Hootin’ and hollerin’ in dark, smoky clubs all night long

  • Putting other important aspects of my life (career, family) on hold to prioritize the band

I was anxious, over-drinking, and feeling so disconnected from my inner self - but having “fun” and appearing very successful on the outside. Deep down I knew that lifestyle was no longer sustainable for my physical or mental health, and finally knew I had to listen to my intuition and prioritize my health over the expectations of others. 

Have you ever felt like you were living “out of alignment”? Like you’re doing what you’re “supposed” to do...but somewhere, deep down, you know it’s not working for you?

During my decade as a rock star ;) I learned a lot about freedom, boldness, and dreams…and when the time came that I had to walk away, I learned a lot about heartbreak, following your intuition (even when it may disappoint others), and eventually, the power of new beginnings. 

Even as I write this, I’m flooded with memories and moved to tears…I miss a lot of things about my “old life." Transformations and new beginnings can be hard…But I will always choose the pain of growth and evolution over the pain of stagnation.

As we embark on 2022 - a new year full of possibilities for new beginnings, I want to share my 3 Big Transformation Takeaways with You:

1. Listen to Your Inner Voice! 

I had so many subtle glimpses of “this isn’t working for me” before I finally made changes. Has this ever happened to you? Maybe with a job, relationship, or unhealthy habit? Your inner voice gives you valuable messages all the time about what you need and what is no longer serving you. Acknowledge them.  

2. Listen to Your Body! 

The body-mind connection is undeniable. If you don’t prioritize your physical health, your body will do it for you: stopping you in your tracks with issues like anxiety, overwhelm, insomnia, depression, or gut issues like acid reflux or constipation. Luckily all of these symptoms are reversible and can be addressed naturally. Our bodies are very resilient - especially with the right nutrition and a few smart lifestyle tweaks!

3. Huge Change is Possible and Begins with Small Steps 

You don’t have to start HUGE and uproot your entire life like I did. Taking small, practical steps to create a more balanced life will have an incredible positive impact. Learn your unique body-type, discover some new favorite healthy recipes, and incorporate simple, natural relaxation techniques! These small steps add up to HUGE transformation. If that's what you want, I am here to help you. 

Want to feel even better than a rockstar, everyday? ;) Enjoy calm in your mind, energy in your body and contentment in your life.

Join me and Reset and Rebalance your mind and your body - in simple, easy, impactful ways. 

Learn the process I used to completely uplevel my life.

Find out your dosha and start to live in harmony with nature to feel your best. 


In this 14 day program you will:

  • Learn your unique body and mind constitution (Ayurvedic Dosha)

  • Discover easy practices to include every morning, ensuring good digestion and more energy all day

  • Explore favorite new plant-based recipes for easy breakfast, lunches, dinners, and guilt-free snacks, and desserts!

  • Learn how timing of what you eat may impact you more than your actual food choices

  • Find out the 3 things you may be doing at night that are keeping you from getting a good night of sleep

  • Learn what to do first thing in the morning to guarantee better sleep that night!

  • Learn which essential oils to use (and when) to optimize energy, sleep, and hormones

  • Try a super-simple self-massage practice to ease anxiety and stress in 2 minutes flat!

  • and totally transform your digestion, energy, and moods, or get your money back

What are you waiting for?

Let's implement some real, simple solutions to get you feeling your best... Start with me now. 

Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists


Taking a Lavender Break


Supporting You in 2022 and Beyond