Breathe Away Your Stress

When you are in a moment of high pressure:

  • At work

  • In a family situation, or

  • Triggered by an old fear thought, worry, or self-judgement

It feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders! This is a tense, anxious, and even desperate place to be in your mind.... and it can do some serious damage to your body. Your nervous system reacts to this overwhelm by going straight into "fight or flight" mode, also known as its "sympathetic" branch.


We all feel stressed sometimes.... Pandemic, anyone? Seriously, STILL?!

But when you get stuck in chronic stress it causes a negative cascade effect in your hormones and nervous system.

"Fight or flight" can be like a feedback loop:

  • Causing inflammation in your body

  • Oxidative stress (which ages you more quickly - no, thanks!)

  • It turns off your higher, logical brain, and

  • Forces you into your more primitive, lower brain reactive mode, where sensible, creative solutions are no longer available to you.


So, get out of "fight or flight, and shift into "rest and digest," (aka the parasympathetic branch of your nervous system.

This quick and easy breath is a very effective and fun technique. Try it and let me know what you think!



Christina Paul

Brand Therapist & Web Designer for Coaches & Therapists

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